Good morning friends, I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. I’m here share some easy hectic-holiday-week soup recipes, some small business recommendations, and a few gift ideas.
If you’re looking for something to do with your leftover turkey and carcass, consider looking to this recipe for Turkey And Wild Rice Soup With Brussels Sprouts that I put out in a previous issue. Believe it or not, this soup recipe was given to me by my favorite Catholic priest by way of this dearly departed mother. This issue also features my recipe for turkey stock and a hilarious and true take on pie.
Maybe you are sick of thinking about Thanksgiving. Perhaps you’ve eaten enough food that it is now pushing into your lungs (me twelve hours ago). Possibly your uncle passed the threshold of off-color commentary and you simply can’t wait to never see your family again (not me, I love my family all the time, hi mom). Anyway, you may be craving something light. Here are a few recipes that will be easy on your kitchen and your belly –
Lentil & Burnished Onions Soup
Bitter Greens & Farro Soup & Bonus Farro Salad
Lemon Chicken Orzo
Chicken & Stars
Tomorrow is small business Saturday. I love Pittsburgh and we have so many incredible small businesses that deserve love and support. There are so many incredible individuals taking care of Pittsburghers every single need. Here are some businesses that I frequent regularly and highly recommend supporting tomorrow and every day –
Shadyside Nursery – I buy my Christmas tree here every year. I also source all of my annuals and perennials here in the spring. They have built me a beautiful fence and they are amazing friends. Their staff is knowledgeable and friendly and their selection is unmatched.
If you’re looking to do some local gifting stop into Farmer’s Daughter – I shop here for bougie creature comforts on an upsettingly regular basis. I’m currently trying to work out a system where they just accept my paycheck directly. Other great options are Emilchka, Kards Unlimited, Wildcard, Pittsburgh Candle, and Commonwealth Press.
Pittsburgh Acupuncture & Massage – Helping me relax since 2018.
Alchemy Dry Cut Lounge – I get my haircut here. Have you seen my hair? It’s outstanding.
Mimics Market – Do you even game, bro? A new adorable game store in Bloomfield.
Government Center – Not only can you buy records and all listening implements, they also have a coffee bar. And an alcohol bar (if you go after 4:00pm). When you’re done buying records, head down to the end of the street and pick up some gifts for the puppy dog in your life and Wagsburgh. If you’re in Shadyside, you can shop for the puppy dog in your life at Petagogy.
If all of this shopping has made you hungry go to BabyLovesTacos.
If you’d like to support me, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to this newsletter or buy my soup at LineaVerde Green Market and Deutschtown Deli.
If you’d like to recommend some local businesses, please do so in the comment section and I will be sure to shout them out on my Instagram today and tomorrow. I’ve run out of time and I don’t want to comingle my corporate recommendations with this heartfelt local shout out issue. Look forward to another issue with gift recommendations in the next day or so. We love a double feature.
Happy Thanksgiving, thank you for subscribing.
I love you big time.
-the BMer